Greek Oregano Bouquet


This Oregano is carefully selected from remote organic farms across the mountainous villages of Greece, where it grows near the forest amongst walnut and chestnut trees. The wholesome surroundings play a huge role in its distinctive earthy, spicy flavor and rich aroma. These bouquets are the same variety as our Classic Oregano from Taygetus and are one of the most elaborate products made by Daphnis and Chloe. It takes their skilled workers an entire hour to assemble just 15. So what is the purpose of such an effort? To preserve the crispy flavors of minute-ground Oregano all the way to your kitchen!

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This Oregano is carefully selected from remote organic farms across the mountainous villages of Greece, where it grows near the forest amongst walnut and chestnut trees. The wholesome surroundings play a huge role in its distinctive earthy, spicy flavor and rich aroma. These bouquets are the same variety as our Classic Oregano from Taygetus and are one of the most elaborate products made by Daphnis and Chloe. It takes their skilled workers an entire hour to assemble just 15. So what is the purpose of such an effort? To preserve the crispy flavors of minute-ground Oregano all the way to your kitchen!

This Oregano is carefully selected from remote organic farms across the mountainous villages of Greece, where it grows near the forest amongst walnut and chestnut trees. The wholesome surroundings play a huge role in its distinctive earthy, spicy flavor and rich aroma. These bouquets are the same variety as our Classic Oregano from Taygetus and are one of the most elaborate products made by Daphnis and Chloe. It takes their skilled workers an entire hour to assemble just 15. So what is the purpose of such an effort? To preserve the crispy flavors of minute-ground Oregano all the way to your kitchen!

Store to maintain its freshness and rich fragrance. place your bouquet in a long pasta jar or any airtight container. Properly storing your herbs expands their life span. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity.


36g/1.27 oz

Product of Greece

Greek Mountain Tea
Selected Bay Leaves
Greek Sage
Evros Sesame Seeds
Smoked Chili Flakes